In 2017 at Sukkot YES, a number of the persons that celebrated with us pursued Almighty YAH in neat ways, even late at night!
And on one of the 2017 Sukkot YES video clips, visible supernatural activity can be seen!
During one of the nightly meetings,
Cody who was 6, taught us for over an hour, with a bit of help from his brother Casey who was 5 then!
I also enjoyed 3 catered
meals a day, and heated buildings, as well as the camping trails, tree houses, and more!
SUKKOT YES 2017 was such a astonishing time for us! The building I stayed in was very close to the yurt where we have 24-7 encountering Yah!
The beds were mostly bunk beds but with a air mattress they would be comfy enough. The food was great and there was plenty of exploring to be done.
The most important part was Yah showed up big time! I spent every one of my moments with Him! In the evenings we all gathered together.
The staff let us use the meeting room in the building where the office is. It's a great meeting room! Looking forward to SUKKOT YES 2018
for another astonishing time with Yah who came to tabernacle with us!
SUKKOT YES is about people uniting to encounter YahShua the Messiah and Abba Yah as they are one! It is about pushing further into what Yah
has for us as we celebrate and have a feast with Him, and with one another! With the body ministering to each other and encouraging our brothers
and sisters to become really intimate with Him! Tabernacling with YAH throughout Sukkot is what SUKKOT YES is about! Come join us and let's have
a blast in Him, in fellowship and encourageing each other! Shalom!